IES 2017 New Examination Pattern
Stages of ESE Exam from 2017:
Major Changes:
Changes in the syllabus of ESE 2017 in ECE (Lets compare both & analyse it)
Assuming that now you have gone through both the syllabus. If not I have provided the UPSC link as well as images of those below.
Here is my Summary after analysis. (Subject Wise)
- Stage I - 2 papers ( GS & Engg Aptitude + 1 Objective technical paper ). If selected,
- Stage II - 2 papers ( 2 Conventional papers ). If selected,
- Stage III - Personal Interview. If selected, go change the world. ;)
Major Changes:
- The GS paper has changed a bit. General English has been eliminated from GS Paper. I think there wont be History, Geography, Life Sciences etc. anymore. Also, they have included some important topics an engineering student should have learnt during his/her engineering life.
- There's only one objective paper (instead of 2 before, which had 200 marks each) including the entire Engg syllabus, having 300 marks. And, the conventional papers too will be out of 300 marks, instead of mere 200 before.
- 3 stage examination as compared to the previous 2 stage examination.
- Technical objective papers reduced from 2 to 1 and of 300 marks
- Changed structure and syllabus of the General Aptitude paper
- Changed syllabus of technical subjects.
Changes in the syllabus of ESE 2017 in ECE (Lets compare both & analyse it)
Assuming that now you have gone through both the syllabus. If not I have provided the UPSC link as well as images of those below.
Here is my Summary after analysis. (Subject Wise)
- The first subject in Paper-I in IES-2017 " Basic Electronics Engg" is same as Physical Electronics, Electron Devices & ICs of IES-2016 apart from being renamed. The only difference is that power switching devices like SCRs, GTOs are removed.
- The 2nd subject in Paper-I in IES-2017 "Basic Electrical Engg" is newly introduced (oh seems like not a good thing). Now the aspirants need to study electrical stuffs "Single phase AC circuits, Transformers, Electrical machines & electrical power sources etc". Good news is that part of syllabus of this sub like "DC Circuits, Kirchhoff's Laws, Mesh & Nodal Analysis, Circuit theorems" are part of Network theory.
- Question is as they have introduced a new subjects is any old subject is removed. Yes the Sub "Signlas & Systems" as in IES-2016 has been formally removed. But you have to read signals & systems somehow to understand other subjects like Control Systems & Communication Systems. So though it is removed formally, but it is implicitly present.
- 3rd Sub Paper-I in IES -2017 "Materials Science": syllabus of this sub is equal to Materials & Components of IES-2016 (as termed previously) plus Nano-materials basics & others (newly added). It's a good sign as electronics now a days has reached into nano-scales.
- Sub No 4: "Electronics Measurements and Instruments": Same old shit, just written in different words(trust me, I have checked in details).
- "Network Theory": Part of this sub has been added in Sub-2 as Basic Electrical Engg. It's syllabus has been reduced much as compared to that of IES-2016. The topics "Transmission criteria : delay and rise time, Elmore's and other definitions effect of cascading. Elements of network synthesis" has been deleted. Cheers guys!
- Last Sub of Paper-I "Analog & Digital Circuits" of IES-2017: This used to be two subjects namely "Analog Electronic Circuits" & "Digital Electronics Circuits" in IES-2016 & that too in Paper-II. They merged both & placed it in Paper-I. Seems like load increased. Yes, it is. But they also provided some incentive as the Sub "Electromagnetic Theory" is moved form Paper-I & placed in Paper-II in new syllabus. Also no new topics has been introduced in this sub "Analog & Digital Circuits."
- "Analog and Digital Communication Systems": It's almost same as Communication System (SubN0-4 of IES-2016). So What's the difference? Random Signal & Probability Theory has been added (yes it was present in IES-2016 syllabus too in Signal & Systems Sub). Microwave & Satellite communication topics has been removed form this Sub but they are added under new sub Advanced Communication Topics. No wonder guys, Syllabus has been reshuffled, topics has been placed here & there.
- "Control Systems": same old stuffs, just represented in new words. The Syllabus makers are trying to be smart here by introducing some major topics of Signals & systems under the heading of this subject. To clarify: "Classification of signals and systems; Application of signal and system theory; System realization; Transforms& their applications" these topics had been added as a part of Control systems (yes they were earlier presents as Signals & Systems in Paper-I). So no worry guys.
- "Computer Organization and Architecture": Previously these topics like "Basic architecture, CPU, I/O organisation, memory organisation..." are present under the sub called "Computer Engineering". But to make our life a bit difficult, new topics from Operating Systems has been added. "Operating systems-basics, processes,characteristics, applications; Memory management, virtual memory, file systems, protection & security; Data bases, different types,characteristics and design; Transactions and concurrency control" :these are new & extra effort is needed.
- "Electro Magnetics:" There is no difference if you call it Electromagnetics or Electromagnetic Theory (for the record in IES-2016 it was so called & it was part of Paper-I). Guys time to fell lucky because the hardest subject to digest "Microwave Engg" has been removed completely from IES-syllabus.
- Believe me "Microwave Tubes (like Klystron, TWT, Magnetron...) and solid state devices, Microwave generation and amplifiers,Microwave Components and Circuits, Microwave Measurements" very tough to understand. Oh Thanks to the new Syllabus makers. But as they say nothing is for free & they have introduced two new subjects in Paper-II IES -2017. As per me, these are the major changes in the ECE syllabus. Lets look at them.
- "Advanced Electronics Topics": . VLSI topics, DSP topics & speech/audio/radar signal processing, embedded sytems has been newly added. Some topics like Microprocessors & microcontrollers, basics, interrupts, DMA, instruction sets, interfacing; Controllers & uses are previously present under the Sub Computer Engg.
- "Advanced Communication Topics": Good news is many topics, infact major part of this Sub like "Microwave & satellite communication: Terrestrial/space type LOS systems... Communication satellites, orbits,characteristics, systems, uses; Fibre-optic communication systems.." are present earlier but under the Sub Communication system. Bad news for aspirants is that many topics from Computer network has been introduced: "Communication networks: Principles /practices /technologies /uses /OSI model/security; Basic packet multiplexed streams/scheduling, protocols TCP/TCPIP". As per my view this is a good step as for a Communication Engg basics of computer network is must to know.
IES 2017 New Examination Pattern
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